Friday, 7 December 2012

MAIN TASK - stills of filming

Here some stills of us shooting our chasing scene.

This shot is used to use a close up of the characters shoes as he jumps over the railing.

This is used for a long shot as the two characters turn over the corner.

This is showing how we have shot our bird’s eye view shot when the character is being chased.

This has been used for the wide long shot.

This is showing us showing the character where to start from using the shot list.

This is used for the match on action as he jumps over.

This is used for a close up of the characters shoes as he jumps over.

The following pictures are taken by Abdul Azim.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

MAIN TASK Film Classifications

The classification of a movie is very vital because it represents the appropriateness of films, such as age, the benefits of this is that it will make people know what kind of stuff will be in the movie, and then they will know if its suitable for them to watch, age wise. For example, in action or horror films there would be a lot of violent scenes, and if children watch this it could influence them to be violent, they could start to be violent towards other people which is inappropriate.   

The following picture is the U symbol which stands for universal, according to BBFC the U symbol indicates that films that are suitable for people aged 4 and over. Films that are rated as U would not have any violence, sexual content, drugs, strong language, or any major problems of discrimination. However films and TV programmes that are rated U can sometimes use very mild bad language, such as `hell and poop` but it should be infrequent.  
Additionally, television programmes such as `in the night garden` or teletubbies` is obviously rated as a U but they also state that, the programme is particularly suitable for playschool children.  In addition, the films would not enclose any sexual content, but people kissing are acceptable and people stating about love is acceptable too. Also those films can have mild horror or very mild violence.  

The following picture shows the` PG` symbol which’s stands for parental guidance. Research has been done, and has said that people that are aged 8 or over will not be affected. But it is the parent’s decision for letting their child watch films with this rating. Generally, PG films are targeted for children, yet there are some films that are for adults or parents which are rated PG, according to BBFC, they have chosen this decision because they believe that it will not affect children psychologically or emotionally. In addition, BBFC does not allow films to have pessimistic content, because they don’t want children to imitate negative stuff. For example, if a character jump of their bunk bed, and then children could follow it, then BBFC will not allow the film to be a PG or will not accept the film. 

The following picture shows the 12A symbol which means people who is 12 and over that is able to watch the film without their parents or supervision. `A` stands for advisory, which means people that are younger then 12 that are able to watch the film, if they are accompanied by an adult, who must watch the film with them, and they should be over 18.  12A is a rating for movies at the cinemas and, the symbol 12 on it own would be on DVD`s.  In 12A films there could be use of bad language but should be infrequent, if the bad language is too aggressive then it may result the film moving up a category to 15, also aggressive discriminatory language, for example homophobic or racist terms, which be doubtful to pass a 12A.  Also sexual content and violence can be stated in the films but infrequently, if not it will pass as a 12A. 

The following symbol is `15` which means no one age under 15 can watch `15` rated films because ratings at 15 can have, a lot of frequent strong language , sexuality activity, strong verbal references to sex, nudity, infrequent sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour and drug abuse.
There could be a lot strong language used in `15` films and the more stronger terms can be used to but to a extent, if the stronger language is continued or gets aggressive then wont be accepted by BBFC.

The following picture shows a `18` symbol which means that, no one under the age of 18 cannot buy or rent any DVDs that are rated `18` or watch `18` rated movies at the cinema.  No theme is forbidden for 18 rated movies, but context that is more explicit images of sexual content, will not be allowed in the `18` category, it will fall into the `R18` category. `R18` which is different than `18` because they will have DVDs that you cannot buy from high street shops or there wont be any movies with the rating of `R18` within the cinemas,  because they are too sexually explicit.  

Our film is going to have a rating of `15` because our film has a lot of context within the `15` category such as violence and weapons,  our film did not really contain frequent violence but contain quite a lot of blood which was on the characters face, which suggest violence. Also, our shows weapons that are guns, which have a real appearance because they are black and metal, if we put it in a lower category which will not be suitable because people under the age of 15 could be influenced in violence, as it has happened in America, where young people who were younger than 15 have been out on mass murdering with guns which they will were influenced  so we should take the rating of our film to consideration because its important that younger people don’t do negative stuff by watching our film.