Friday 26 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Film and Evaluation


The preliminary task we produced in groups was basically used to show match on action, it was just like an examination on how we would produce our film and to see what we know already and what abilities we already, so then after we would do the main task. Another factor of doing the preliminary task is that, what we have learned from the preliminary task, which we would have learned new skills, which then we would do the main task, which will ultimately be a lot better then the preliminary task, due to the new camera shots and editing techniques we would have learned.

At the start of a preliminary task, we straight away used a mid shot which would create mystery and suspense because the audience would think who is this person, the mid shot was only on his legs so then the audience will think why aren't they showing his face which creates mystery towards the audience. After that, we used a wide shot so we can show the surroundings and location but still the audience will not be able to see the character properly because he is wearing a hood which covers his face. Also the fact that the character is wearing a hood can suggest to the audience that something bad is going to happen and it will suggest that it’s a dark film. Additionally, we have used the continuity editing technique, so that the film can be continuous, so then the different camera shots all flow together. When it comes to the elevator scene the character presses the elevator call button, which we have used a close up shot to show it, and then we used the eye line match technique straight after, which will make the audience feel will they in the movie.

We used non diegetic sound, which was a piece of music in the background, which was a soundtrack from the movie taken called `tick of the clock`, the music creates tension and mystery because it starts of quite and then gradually gets louder and faster which creates more anxiety. After we produced our preliminary task we noticed that we have made a few mistakes which wasn't a big problem because after all we were new to media studies, there were mistakes like when one of the characters were in a position in one angle and then suddenly in the next shot he was in another position, also another great mistake is that, when the character went inside the elevator he had a watch on, and before that he never was wearing the watch.

1.    What have you learnt by doing this exercise?
I did not do GSCE Media, so I have learnt brand new skills and knowledge. 
I have learnt how camerawork and editing can create realism. Knowledge of shot sizes and how to construct a sequence. Knowledge of shooting for editing and how to edit.
I have learnt that you have to plan a film in order to make a good film.
Also I have learned about the high key lighting and the low key lighting. 

2.    What skills have you developed?
Camerawork: how to set up and operate a digital camera, to frame shots and compose an image, to move the camera on the tripod and on a dolly.
Editing: How to operate the editing software Premiere Pro. how to import clips and set in and out points. How to move and manipulate clips on the timeline. How to add visual effects to clips and to change their values. How to add transitions in between clips and fade in/ out clips and audio. I can also create titles and add music to the timeline. In addition to knowing how to export a movie from Premiere Pro and add it to YouTube.

3.    What feedback have you received?
The feedback that we received is that, we should have used more match on action, so that our video would have looked better, also other people said we should of had a fight scene in our preliminary task, because it would have been more interesting.

4.    How would you improve your Preliminary Task?
 I would improve my preliminary task by changing the story because it was a bit boring and vague, also I would add a lot of different shot sizes into, also I would put a fight scene in the preliminary task because it was a bit boring, so if a fight occurred in the video then it will make the video more interesting.

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