Friday 5 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Synopsis and script

Actors: Zee / Raq / Many background actors
Setting: Sidney Stringer Academy – Rooftop
Genre: Crime/Action/Thriller
Plot: Raq is involved with the UK Mafia. He has been sent to the meeting to talk to the Corrupt CIA Agent (Zee) to pickup the launch codes, which are being sold for a large amount of money. He is here for the codes, simple exchange. But not everything goes to plan.

Script: The Meet (Preliminary)

Script: The Meet

(Ext.Day.Outside SSA)
Raq is walking towards the sliding doors of the building, when he reaches them he walks through them.

(Int.Day.Inside school)
When Raq enters the building, he moves towards the railing hopping over it and walking towards the café steps.

Raq makes his way around the café towards the lift, he steps inside.

(Int.Day.Inside lift)
Raq looks around curiously inside the lift while it takes him to the top floor, he checks his watch. (Camera zooms into the watch)

(Int.Day.Top floor)
Raq steps out of the lift, heading towards the rooftop doors, when he stopped by the two bouncers.

Hold up

The bouncer starts to pat down Raq and then nods towards him, making raq follow him through the hallway.
(Int.Day.Hallway towards rooftop)

Raq walks down with security guard through hallway
Raq walks with guard to Sully 

Sir you got a visitor

I'll call you back (Cuts off phone)
You took your time, any later and you coulda been dead.
Yeah, you were always late. You were late for your own damn' funeral.

Just get to the point. Have you got them?

Son of a bitch, do you know who I am? I'm Sully The Emperor, I was created by blood and fire! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders!

You’re really funny, Sully!
Raq laughs eyeing Sully

Sometimes I am god, when I say a man dies, he dies the same day.

I prefer to be in a grave in Colombia then be here with you
You got the papers?

Sully calls guard
Guard walks down with papers 

You got the dollar, puto?

Raq nods, as he reaches into his jacket pocket taking out a cheque sliding it over towards Sully.
Better be real, carbon.    
Sully hands the cheque over to him
Sully hesitates to hand over the papers.

You look nervous!

I ain't got nothing to be nervous

Raq faces Sully shaking his head, as he walks off into the exit.


Silent grows as the individual sitting in the chair curiously looks around. His arms and legs tied tightly, darkness cover’s his eyes. Fearfully he glares around the darkness as a shady figure approaches him slowly holding a large metal object which reflects, making the individual flinch. Large text comes across the screen indicating that the time zone has changed to few days earlier. Two individuals are seen together, a boy and a girl. Smiles thrown all around, such an enlightening event. As the two loved up couples stroll across the street casually, they are spotted by the girl’s brother. Who is a well-known mob boss. The rage can be seen through the brother’s facial expression, as he bolts across the street towards the couple. Bombarding them with violent hospitality. The brother takes his sister and leaves after he makes a death threat to the guy. As he walks away his attention is caught by the shining ring on the guy’s finger. A few hours later, the brother slowly steps into the house as silent is filled in the house. He calls out for his wife as he the voice just echo’s back. Quickly reaching for his Glock 17. He aims around the house searching each room cautiously. The door creeks and the floor board shakes as he steps into the master bedroom. His eyes open wide, full of fear as he notices his wife laying there dead, he approaches her quickly checking her pulse but no hope. He notices something in her hand; it’s the ring from earlier, the one on the sister’s boyfriend’s finger. He has a flashback and his eyes inflame out in rage. He runs out of the house. After meeting up with his friends, they hunt down the guy, as they come across the couple once again. The brother strolls up to the guy as he raises his arm out showing him the ring, straight away the guy bolts backwards attempting to run away. The brother’s friends are right there as they hit and tackle him to the ground. The brother jogs to him stomping him across his face as the screen fades to black. Sweat pours down his forehead like rain, as he slowly opens his eyes .Through his eyes you can see three individuals standing in front of him, looking down at him. The brother crouches down looking right at him as he says something then blowing smoke into his face. The screen fades out, and the film title ‘FILM TITLE’ comes onto the screen.


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