Wednesday, 23 January 2013

evaluation activity 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Production companies are the company that will produce our film; they may be directly responsible for fundraising for the production or may accomplish this through a parent company or private investors. The production company will do all the budgeting, the scripting, the film scheduling and they will find the actors and directors, producers, editors etc. Our production company for our film is Immortal Productions co.  Our budgeting has came from our production company which they have raised. 

Our media product would be in the big budget category films, so this means big mainstream distributors will have to distribute our film, rather than small independent companies.  An appropriate distributor would be Warner bros. Because they have distributed films similar to ours, such as Unknown, Gangster Squad and many more which they have the similar genre and stories to our film, our genre is thriller and action, which Warner bros are expects of this particular genre so it is for them to distribute our film as they have experience with thriller and action movies.

There are a lot of ways of distributing a film, and one popular way is by posting their videos on YouTube, the website has over 1 billion unique users that visits YouTube each month which makes it one of the most popular website in the world, which we can post trailers or behind the scenes videos on YouTube which can get our film more known. The main benefit of YouTube is that it is completely free to post videos up, which also the film can make more money from YouTube if the videos have other companies advertisements, this way of distribution will make the movie more popular and known which will generate a lot of movie.  Another great way of distribution is the social network websites because face book gets over 100s of millions of users every month, which takes it to the top of the most popular social network sites in the world, this makes it a very effective procedure of film distribution. We would make our on face book page of our film which people can like and get updates of the film. But there is a disadvantage, which is we would have to pay for the advertising on face book, which means less profit. Other ways of marketing and distributing our film is getting our actors to go to events or TV programmes and getting them to talk about our film, which is a good way of promotion.

Our film is mainly targeted at boys because more boys like action thriller movies than girls, the age range would be 16-19, but we still would target everyone so that we can make as much money possible. We would want our film to be in mainstream cinemas so that it can gross more money, we have to find the best ways of making the most money because our budget would be massive so we have to make colossal amounts of money in order to make profit. There are some films that produce there films and immediately put it on DVDs which is not something we want to do, because releasing our movie at the mainstream cinemas is very important because we would make vast amounts of money, and then after we can release it on DVDs and love film.

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